Responding to an urgent request from local health officials, we began our work in the remote village of Yomybato, deep in the heart of the restricted zone of Manu National Park, in 2012.

From Cusco, the trip to Yomybato is ten hours by truck down the Andes and through the cloud forest, followed by a five to ten-day trip by boat, depending upon the water levels of the river and streams.

The children in Yomybato suffered from gastrointestinal illnesses, parasites, malnutrition, and anemia due to contaminated water and inadequate hygiene and sanitation.

During the dry season, most of the streams where villagers collect water for cooking, washing, and drinking dry up, creating sanitation challenges. To address this seasonal scarcity, we piloted a rainwater harvesting system to augment the water supply from the slow sand filters. 

The Matsigenka people of Yomybato hunt, fish, and gather wild food from the rainforest and grow fruit and vegetables in their gardens. Along with the people of Tayakome, they manage the Casa Matsigenka, ecotourism lodge.

Clean Water Programs

Water + Sanitation Committees

Sinks + Greywater Drains


Health + Hygiene Education

Health Studies